Criteria for availing Commuted Leave
Commuted leave not exceeding half the amount of half pay leave due can be taken on medical certificate.
This leave can be taken without Medical Certificate-
a) upto a maximum of 90 days in the entire service if utilized for an approved course of study certified to be in public interest
b) upto a maximum of 60 days by a female Government servant if it is in continuation of maternity leave.
c) upto a maximum of 60 days by a female government servant with less than two living children if she adopts a child less than one year old.
This leave can be granted only when the leave sanctioning authority is satisfied that there is a reasonable prospect of the Government Servant returning to duty on its expiry. So, it cannot be granted as leave preparatory to retirement.
If this leave is taken , twice the number of days availed should be debited in the half pay leave account.
Where a Government Servant granted Commuted Leave quits service voluntarily without returning to duty, the commuted leave shall be treated as half pay leave and the excess leave salary recovered. If the retirement is by reason of ill-health incapacitating him for further service or in the event of death, recovery should not be made.
Commuted leave may be granted at the request of the Government servant even when earned leave is available.
Commuted leave on medical grounds may be allowed to a Government Servant who has opted out of CGHS, on the basis of certificates issued by Hospitals/Medical Practitioners approved by the employer of the spouse.
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